Neligan Construction & Roofing

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Neligan Construction & Roofing
As a community-focused roofer, you can be confident that we'll treat your home or business as a priority.
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Neligan Construction & Roofing

Neligan Construction & Roofing quickly gained a reputation for being honest, hard working and reliable. By making customer satisfaction our number one priority we have managed to grow and improve even during challenging economic times. While many of our competitors sought to increase profits by cutting corners with methods such as hiring cheap migratory crews for labor, we have continued our practice of hiring individuals with high character and solid work ethics. We have developed standard operating procedures which ensure that our jobs run smoothly and efficiently while providing our customers with a quality finished product. We will make every effort to see that the work performed on your project will be held to the highest standards. --Brian Neligan

By putting my name on the company, I am saying that my work and reputation are of great importance to me and I will make every effort to see that they are not compromised. If you choose to award us your roof or siding project, I will personally see to it that the work performed will be held to the highest standards. Certificates of insurance and references are always available upon request. We look forward to working with you. Neligan Construction and Roofing is your locally owned one-stop shop for all of your roofing, gutters, and siding needs. Veteran owned and operated business has been serving the Greater Jacksonville area for over 20 years. With hundreds of positive reviews, an A+ BBB rating, and a Platinum Certified Contractor with Owens Corning, your roof is in good hands with Neligan Construction & Roofing, LLC.

Let’s get in touch

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State: Florida

Serving (city) :

Corporate Office :
910 11th Ave S

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Essential Information: Neligan Construction & Roofing

Explore our offerings and discover if the products and services we have created fully meet your needs.

Service offerings:

General roofing services

We are experts in:
Roofing Services

Payment methods:

Wire transfer
Credit card

Are financing options available?

This service is not provided

Office Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat - Sun: Closed

Can I schedule my roof consultation?

This service is not provided

We solve roof problems, Claim Your FREE Roofing Quote!

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