Reynolds Roofing & Exteriors

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Reynolds Roofing & Exteriors
As a community-focused roofer, you can be confident that we'll treat your home or business as a priority.
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Reynolds Roofing & Exteriors

Reynolds Roofing is a GAF and Certainteed Certified full service residential and commercial roofing company, specializing in insurance claims restoration work and roof repairs. Founded in the Spring of 2004 our vision is to provide our clients the highest level of customer service and craftsmanship available. With over 50 years of combined roofing and construction experience, Reynolds Roofing is quickly becoming one of the states leading companies in the roofing industry. Providing our crews, management and ownership with the most up to date training and knowledge on the industries applications and products.

Very informative and caring, Knowledgeable and patient, Timely, tidy and top notch roof replacement. We'd rather our actions speak louder than our words. The above are quotes from our customers about how we like to do business.With over 50 years of combined roofing and construction experience, Reynolds Roofing TX is quickly becoming one the state's leading companies in the industry. We require the highest standards in workmanship, materials, and safety. At Reynolds Roofing TX, we take great pride in building long lasting relationships with every client. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our company. We are confident that you will be satisfied with choosing us to take on your next project. We look forward to speaking with you soon. Reynolds Roofing TX is certified GAF Master Shingle installer with over 50 years of combined experience in residential & commercial roofing. We specializing in Composition shingles, Specialty composition shingles, Residential and Commercial Roofing, Residential Roofing Repairs, Commercial Roofing Repairs, Modified Bitumen,Buildup/Hot mops Metal, TPO/EPDM,Elastomeric Coatings,Tile/Slate, Exterior Home Repair,Siding Replacement and Siding Repairs,Gutters (5" and 6" Seamless Gutters and Downspouts), Drywall, Inerior and Exterior Painting & More

Let’s get in touch

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State: Texas

Serving (city) :

Corporate Office :
20501 Katy Fwy Ste 203

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Essential Information: Reynolds Roofing & Exteriors

Explore our offerings and discover if the products and services we have created fully meet your needs.

Service offerings:

General roofing services

We are experts in:
Home Services

Payment methods:

Credit card
Wire transfer

Are financing options available?

Ask about our financing options

Office Hours:

Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sat - Sun: Closed

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